Ministry Blog

The Soundtrack of Life
Have you ever noticed that, while also some of your favorite songs stay with you, songs that irritate you like crazy also get caught in your brain and you can’t hardly shake their annoying tunes throughout your day?

Be our guest! But wait…
Are we, as the Church, guilty of doing the same thing with our “guests”? We polish the church facilities, groom the grounds, make all the grand preparations, and hang out the banner, “Guests Welcomed Here”! But as soon as the guests show up and the unchurched crowd behaves “inappropriately”, we are quick to start in with the complaints.

The Wondrous Cross
The Cross of Christ carries such a powerful force as it is genuinely both gruesome and beautiful.

You’re Invited to the Table!
But I have noticed one specific thing over these 19 years of marriage about when Bridgette cooks: when she calls you to dinner, she wants you there ASAP, if not sooner. Few things rile her like our family’s delay in getting to the table when the food is hot and ready to serve.

Some Assembly Required: Working in Reverse
Often times we stumble across a project that is more tedious than others, one that we wish we could snap a set of magic fingers and the toil of its assembly would swirl into a finished, polished product of success! Tragedy, long-term relationships, parenting, spiritual disciplines, healing from painful experiences…these are among the many projects of life requiring assembly.

Patience Pole Promises
Have you ever found yourself standing at a patience pole in life? You feel like you’re chained to a set of circumstances that leave you very little, if any, wiggle room to turn your face one way or another.

Don’t Stop Believin’!
Things deemed impossible are truly possible through the power of Jesus Christ. So why are we often found living in a frustrating, unfulfilled daily life? Is it a lack of faith?

Fake It ‘Til You Make It
Welcome, 2017. I am hearing this sigh of relief from most people I encounter these first few weeks in the new year.

Acts 6:4 Conference
Join Chresten and Bridgette Tomlin this week, whether in person or via live stream, at the fourth annual Acts 6:4 Conference, held this year in Texarkana, Texas.

Home for Christmas
This is our Hope. He is our Hope. Our lives are simply the beautiful wrapping for the Gift.

I Am A Sinner
When I inquired of Brenda what I could specifically pray with her about, she bluntly stated, “I am a sinner.”

Life in the Comfort Zone
What is holding you back from your ‘next’? What have you said ‘no’ to in the past because you didn’t think you could conquer it with ease? And more importantly, what has God asked you to do that you’ve emphatically turned down because the skill needed wasn’t easily accessed in your current toolbox?