Ministry Blog
The Ultimate Attitude of Gratitude
“18…be filled with the Spirit, 19 speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, 20 giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,…” Spirit-filled, praise-filled, thankful people exemplify gratitude unto God by they way they live.
Fear, Faith, and Worldwide Unrest
I was visiting with Chresten last evening, trying to process all the heightened terror threats and hate crimes that blast across the airwaves on an hourly basis. I generally have to be rather cautious about the amount of news I watch, read, or listen to as it can keep me up at night. What do you do with worldwide turmoil? How do you rest in peaceful sleep each night and trust God to keep your kids safe as you release them to school each day?
The Power of Sound
No doubt you’re overly familiar with this section of scripture. I have written on it myself several times in recent months. But can I ask a strange request of you today?
The Proverbial Fool
If you have not noticed, our world is obsessed with all things labeled ‘supernatural’ and ‘spiritual’…even ‘inspirational’. But not everything that the secular world deems to be such is such. It is all too easy to naively take in foolishness because it wears a familiar label. But how can you tell?
“How Can I?”
This particular photo had been posted on a community bulletin board in my small high school and a fellow student had articulated their sentiments for then Bridgette Greene on my face with an ink pen. I giggled as I showed the photo to my husband. It’s funny now. But it wasn’t funny back then.
All Your Needs Supplied
Paul’s next statement became a banner waving statement for multiplied generations to follow: “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
Anxiety Busters, Part 2
I often have conversations with people–both saint and sinner–who are driven by anxiety on a frequent, if not daily, basis. This thing called life can be wrought with stress, pressure, and friction. What we don’t draw from others we bring onto ourselves.
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Anxiety Busters
Anxiety. It’s rampant in our culture today and the lack of peace has this world turning on its ear, many times completely out of control. It is because of this chaos that reels about us that I feel confident in saying this: the peace of God ruling and reigning in your life as a believer on the Lord Jesus Christ may be the single most important ally you have in a quest to reach lost people about you.
A Call to the ‘Found’
When the Truth of God’s Word is preached or taught to bring light to the darkness of people’s lives, it’s labeled ‘judgmental’. Phrases like “don’t judge me” and Scriptures taken out of context begin flying around. But it is unrighteous living done under the auspices of church-attending, God-worshiping, Bible-believing people that detours the lost trying to find their way.
Cave-Dweller Codes
John could not have possibly envisioned the experience he was about to walk through. But the Victorious One was so real as He walked into that disparaged cave, John had no choice but to revel in what would become the greatest prophetic revelation of all time. As my husband puts it, “when Jesus walks into your cave, you know EVERYTHING is about to change!”