The Need for Authenticity
There is an overwhelming need standing before us for true authenticity. We as Spirit-filled believers have a tendency to become so practiced in our responses to spiritual things that it can easily become calloused, and that which would be called a ‘learned response’.
It is a proven fact that this generation, which we are attempting to reach, are desperately trying to find true believers who are genuinely authentic. They are unimpressed by facilities or a contrived show. They want something that is real.
They want something that is real.
In Matthew 16, Jesus asked His disciples two questions: First, “who do men say that I am?” and second, “Who do you say that I am?” Upon answering the first question, the disciples replied with various references from Elijah to John the Baptist. But to the second question, Peter quickly responded, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.”
Peter’s response was out of a heart of authenticity of what he believed. He did not wait for an accumulative response from his fellow disciples.
Our responses must come from an intimate relationship with Jesus that causes us to bring real, authentic answers to life’s challenges. Not because it’s what others say, but because we know Him to be the Christ. We know that He’s the answer!
We give praise to God for what we are seeing in 2017! There are pockets of a tremendous move of God across this nation. The Lord is allowing us to be a part of that. It does not happen without you, our precious partners, who so generously sow and pray for this ministry. You are in our prayers often, as we thank God for you.
….because time is short,
Chresten & Bridgette Tomlin
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