With Gratitude.

The task, tedious. The joy of acknowledging God’s faithful people who make what we do possible? Abundant. The truth of the matter is, those who send share the harvest, joy, and reward for those who go. “For how can they go unless they are sent?”

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Empty Promises

What do you do when you know that God told you to do something or that He was going to do something…but it takes days, weeks, months, years, or, gulp, even decades to see it come to fruition?

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Be our guest! But wait…

Are we, as the Church, guilty of doing the same thing with our “guests”? We polish the church facilities, groom the grounds, make all the grand preparations, and hang out the banner, “Guests Welcomed Here”! But as soon as the guests show up and the unchurched crowd behaves “inappropriately”, we are quick to start in with the complaints.

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Musings of a Secret Church Shopper

Are we looking to make great church attenders? Are we genuinely after the bragging rights for most experiences per weekend with record-breaking giveaways? Or are we after eternal results?…what will it take to keep them in a frenzied culture wrought with anxiety, stress, scheduled events and obligations from here ’til kingdom come…and no sense of obligation to fit church attendance in to the mania?

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