News & Events
Is It Time To Be Selfish?
All I could think about at that point was what I wanted for myself. I had been consumed with thinking of everyone else’s needs and wants to such an extent that I was beyond help myself! Like most moments of utter desperation, I ran to the safest place in my home: the master bedroom’s closet.
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While mankind has always maintained an element of the bizarre, it seems to be at a heightened, more intense level now than ever before. This can only mean one thing: people are still searching for peace.
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Have you outgrown receiving with meekness the implanted Word? Are you still requiring yourself to be a doer of the Word, not a hearer only? All too often it’s the saints who have become accustomed to the life-giving Gospel of Jesus Christ that give themselves permission to skip out when the message is coming to a close.
→ Read MorePursuit of the Supernatural
Join us for this area-wide gathering! Three services, three dynamic opportunities for unified believers to experience the supernatural outpouring of the Holy Spirit!
→ Read MorePraize Jam ’15
Praise Center Ministries in Sapulpa, OK will host this concert of praise and worship, which will feature one of the best bands in the area! Make plans to join us for this powerful service!
→ Read MoreThy Kingdom Come
They weren’t just acknowledging that Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of the promise of a Messiah. They were investing in the Cause. And then Jesus required that they partner to build His kingdom, not their own.
→ Read MoreReaching the Rez Update
While there have definitely been hurdles in the quest to get to the “right” person who can give clear, truthful answers, the Lord has led me through to the proper channels. It is difficult to describe what it’s like to navigate through the makeup of this culture.
→ Read MoreThe World’s Four-Letter Word
The world has a four-letter word that we’ve been programmed to delete from our vocabulary…
→ Read MoreReaching the Rez…your prayers needed
This desperately lost people are the product of generations of hopelessness, addiction, and “victim mentalities.”
→ Read MorePursuit of the Supernatural
God always pours out His Spirit upon unified bodies of believers who call on His name, evangelize the lost, and seek His face.
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