Good News for ALL People

…the grandest of all birth announcements was not reserved for the most elite or prominent people of that day’s society. In fact, it was given to some of the most humble people groups of that day: to those who simply tended sheep.

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Standing Behind the Front Lines.

Statistics are dire when it comes to the longevity for today’s ministers. But now is no time to jump ship or abandon the plan of God! As believers in the local church, we must be diligent to tend to the shepherd as we expect him or her to tend to us. We must thwart the plan of the enemy to divide and conquer. We must determine we will not allow offense to rob us of our God-given assignment. We must finish strong.

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Do What You Can Do

On occasion throughout my childhood, my parents, brother, and I would take a summer vacation that had us on the road over a Sunday or two. Not known for missing many church services, my parents were diligent to bring along a cassette or two of preaching and worship music that our family would take in while traveling in the car.

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With Gratitude.

The task, tedious. The joy of acknowledging God’s faithful people who make what we do possible? Abundant. The truth of the matter is, those who send share the harvest, joy, and reward for those who go. “For how can they go unless they are sent?”

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