Crisis + Competition

If we aren’t careful, though, the western Church will tragically miss an opportunity to put out a clarion call that loudly blasts, “Jesus saves! Jesus saves!” because we are already busy competing for the “who’s got the greatest idea” trophy.

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Busting the Marital Myths

It is a common mistake for husbands and wives to jump to conclusions about the status of their marriages because of the temptation to buy into marital myths.

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With Gratitude.

The task, tedious. The joy of acknowledging God’s faithful people who make what we do possible? Abundant. The truth of the matter is, those who send share the harvest, joy, and reward for those who go. “For how can they go unless they are sent?”

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Reaching the Rez 2019

God has already accomplished so many great things on this vast land but has so much more in store! May His Spirit be poured out, REACHING THE REZ.

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Reaching the Rez | Rosebud Reservation

People who are lost and have been lost for long periods of time are so steeped in perpetual darkness that their eyes cannot see, their ears cannot hear, and their minds cannot perceive the simple message of the Gospel. They may hear it but it’s not penetrating their hearts.

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Empty Promises

What do you do when you know that God told you to do something or that He was going to do something…but it takes days, weeks, months, years, or, gulp, even decades to see it come to fruition?

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