CTM Partner Update
Often we are asked by ministers and parishioners of all ages, “How does an evangelist stay on the field these days?” Perhaps you, too, are aware, but statistically, men and women who are called by God to commit their lives solely to evangelism, which involves an extensive travel itinerary, layered with rising travel expenses, plus the upkeep of a home and family support–well, there are fewer and fewer evangelists these days who are able to stay out there. However, there has never been a greater need for the ministry gift of the evangelist (Ephesians 4)! It is to this calling for which God has graciously afforded us the privilege of giving our entire lives. As we plow through our 26th year of marriage and ministry, Bridgette and I continually stand in awe of the opportunities we have before us. And this is all made possible by the gracious ministry partners God has placed alongside this ministry. Scripturally, Jesus set up this model partnership of those who give their lives to the work of the ministry and those in the local Body of Christ who lend their support through prayer, financial resources, and encouragement along the way. And per His promises, God has never let us down! He always supplies the need, and He always uses His people to do it.
…there has never been a greater need for the ministry gift of the evangelist!
Take a few moments to hear this word of encouragement and gratitude, from our family to yours. Whether you’ve supported this ministry through a one-time love offering or have made a monthly commitment from your personal, ministry, or business resources to fund the call of evangelism on our family’s lives, we say ‘thank you’.
Yours for Souls,
Chresten & Bridgette Tomlin
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