Firm Foundation

In the natural it feels as though the voices promoting immoral lifestyles, building corrupt government, aborting the unborn, & oppressing the Church are growing louder. How can we overcome? How can we build His Kingdom in the midst of a steady moral decline?

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CTM Partner Update

Scripturally, Jesus set up this model partnership of those who give their lives to the work of the ministry and those in the local Body of Christ who lend their support through prayer, financial resources, and encouragement along the way.

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One Final Thing.

This final thing deserved its own moment in the spotlight as it is, admittedly, the mountain most of mankind stumbles over. “Fix your thoughts…”

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If, as believers, we are not encountering the mind-blowing peace that the world is desperately craving, we must require ourselves to do a personal survey to reveal the faults of our defaults. What are your daily habits that are taking you out of the supernatural peace of God?

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