CTM New Record 2024

Chresten Heads Back Into the Studio

Throughout the month of April 2024, Chresten Tomlin will head back into the recording studio to produce a brand new record, the first since his 2021 release, Songs from the Storm. “The new project will have a very LIVE feel with the musicians close together in the room with me. These songs will reach out and scratch ya!”, says Chresten of the album’s overall goal. More details about the release date and accessibility via disc, USB, and digital download will be forthcoming in late spring, early summer.

“These songs will reach out and scratch ya!”

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  1. David McDaniels on May 28, 2024 at 11:07 am

    Forgive me, I do not do social media accounts, sorry. Love your music. Heard you on Family Worship Center, Jimmy Swaggart. I just purchased six of your CD’s.
    I would love to hear when your next album comes out, if you could please send me an email at
    God Bless,
    David McDaniels

    • Chresten & Bridgette Tomlin on June 9, 2024 at 7:46 pm

      @DavidMcDaniels, thank you for purchasing our music and for reaching out. While we do not have an email mailing list, info will be posted here on the site and the project should be available by the close of the summer. Check back here as details will be released when we have a firm release date. Be blessed!

  2. Fred D on May 29, 2024 at 8:12 pm

    The tune is in the song if you get it record it, should you want to.
    Faith Mary Left~Jesus Wept
    “Martha, Go Tell Mary”
    [Prefor: “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.”
    ~I Thessalonians 4:13]
    WE don’t weep the way others do
    Martha go tell Mary
    Lazarus will rise again this is true
    Tell Mary not to worry
    Mary was sad and broken-tears she
    could not hide
    Jesus Wept, their faith was cold, His
    trust-they did not abide

    The day will be, my daddy said,
    Mother will be gone
    You must trust my son, that with
    Christ-Mom will be at home
    Still I think back those times and I
    realize it is so
    We have a loving Jesus and of His
    mercy it can hold

    They were gathered table, Jesus,
    Mary did commend
    She was doing that was right, To
    Martha -Christ said again
    Martha was busy, her day she spent
    of and in hurry
    Martha, don’t do the way others do
    -Martha go tell Mary

    My daddy left some years way back
    his words carry this day
    “Son don’t forget, we’ll be together,
    This Jesus!-He did say
    We’ll all- our journey complete- that
    great reunion way
    Now I can see a table spread, and
    Martha seen, no more worry
    Martha, we have hope- even when
    others don’t-Martha go tell Mary

    By the grave Jesus did stand, -of
    Lazarus, did but call
    Lazarus forth the tomb, Lazarus Rise
    Rise again, death is not a final fall
    Martha ran to Mary, ‘Mary, the Master
    inquired for thee’
    Mary had forsaken hope, blaming
    Christ for all her eyes did she see
    Jesus looked to that- Mary had no
    trust- faith she had not kept
    Martha- Weep not the way others do’
    -go say to Mary, then, “Jesus Wept!”

    Time has come, the Church most
    gone, with the grow progressive
    Sifting work, sifting Church, sifting
    brought in thru ministers permissive
    Gone they have- and brought the
    World in- unto them
    Elders out, cast them out, let their
    faith- go with Him
    Still the call went out to all-of whom it
    was sent, Jesus said, “Repent!!”
    “Martha don’t do the way others do”-
    ~”Martha go tell Mary!”

    [PosFor: “And when she had so said, she went her way, and called Mary her sister secretly, saying, The Master is come, and calleth for thee.”
    ~ John 11:28]

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