Soul Surgery
Do you ever feel like you are “under”, spiritually speaking? The hits keep coming. The pain is excruciating. The emotional struggle is depleting your strength. And one day you just surrender to the Surgeon. You really don’t care at that point what He does. You just need and demand relief.
Life has a way of producing seasons.
I think we’ve all been there a time or two (or five-hundred). Life has a way of producing seasons. You can be in a beautiful season of health and wealth, heavy laden with peace like a river and joy like a fountain. And then a few sunrises later, the season of peace and joy is muddied with sorrow and pain. Why must life feel like this sea of emotion, crashing in and rushing out in waves?
Throughout the month of March Bridgette Tomlin will be blogging at Sanctuary, CTM’s ministry for ministry wives, on this very subject. While the site is for ministry wives, the experience of soul surgery and the recovery that follows is applicable to every human on the planet. Let’s talk about what the Holy Spirit desires to do when we submit to His surgery. Over these next few weeks Bridgette will dive into the O.R. of His care and lead the reader in re-discovering the health and wellness that can be embraced on the other side of soul surgery. Won’t you join us for the journey?
—> Start the series here.
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