With Gratitude.
This past week brought the tedious task of sending out giving statements to our many faithful partners who sow throughout the year into Chresten Tomlin Ministries. The task, tedious. The joy of acknowledging God’s faithful people who make what we do possible? Abundant. God’s plan has always included both the go-ers and the senders. But the truth of the matter is, those who send share the harvest, joy, and reward with those who go. “For how can they go unless they are sent?” (Rom 15)
God’s plan has always included both the go-ers and the senders. But the truth of the matter is, those who send share the harvest, joy, and reward with those who go.
There was a through line the entirety of 2019 for Chresten Tomlin Ministries. The Lord used a special anointing upon our music, combined with the preaching, to bring a special refreshing to God’s people. Almost every week the Spirit of God would fall like a blanket during powerful moments of worship being led from the piano. Simple, pure, authentic, and sacred. God continues to respond to the surrendered heart of worship.
As our ministry continues to expand, we marvel at the unique opportunities we are given. 2019 opened doors once again for ministry on the Pine Ridge Reservation in Mission, South Dakota, as well as the dynamic results that continue to flow from Sanctuary, our ministry for ministry wives. The 2019 Let’s Retreat hosted two dozen ministry wives at a new location just outside of Waco, TX and plans are in motion for another event this fall.
We are trusting God once again for everything that we need and fresh fire on a continual basis. As we launch into 2020, it is our desire to see the lost found, the Church strengthened and invigorated, the bound, loosed, the sick made whole, and the power of Pentecost realized in its fullness.
“Thank you” never seems to be adequate when we seek to acknowledge the investment of God’s people into the efforts of Chresten Tomlin Ministries. Without our partners, we simply could not continue to grow and go out to fulfill our calling. And without churches and pastors who still believe and embrace the calling of the five-fold ministry gift of evangelists, the privilege of full-time evangelism dwindles. Bridgette and I pray God’s richest blessings upon you and ask that you prayerfully consider your continued support of CTM.
Be blessed!
Yours for Souls,
Chresten & Bridgette Tomlin
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