Reaching the Rez | Update
2019 has truly been a season of the supernatural! We continually stand in awe of what the Lord is allowing us to see accomplished. This year we have experienced increase on every level; most importantly, lasting spiritual results. Through the spring and summer and into this fall, the Lord has given us, week after week, the spirit of revival as He is responding to perhaps the greatest level of hunger our ministry has ever seen.
As our partners who continually pray and sow into this ministry, you are aware of our ongoing ministry on the Lakota-Sioux Reservations in South Dakota. You have been with us through every step of this spiritually challenging, but victorious, fight of faith. During the month of September a team of highly skilled construction workers from Cornerstone Assembly of God (Atlanta, TX) joined me for a week of intensive remodeling of All Nations Worship Center (Mission, SD). This is our primary headquarters for partnership with missionaries Johnny & Heidi Wade. The team tackled multiple projects, from repairing a major leak in the basement to guttering, siding to digging two French drains, and so much more! The amount of work they accomplished that week was of exponential impact!
We want to thank all of you again and again for sowing into this ministry. Your partnership assists in more ways than we can adequately convey. We are so grateful for your financial and prayer support. You are a part of all that we accomplish for the Kingdom.
Yours for Souls,
Chresten & Bridgette Tomlin
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