Return to Me
He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8 ESV
My 19-year-old daughter Bonnie and I have been reading through the Minor Prophets these past few weeks and I must confess: in many ways, their warnings could easily be copy-and-pasted onto the public social media discussion feed for the American Church today. Sadly, the prophets spoke boldly, with compassion, and broken-heartedness as they delivered each timely warning and commandment, directly from God’s mouth to His people, and beyond. And often, their warnings were rejected by a people with which God had entered into covenant. This past weekend, as I challenged myself to absorb the weightiness of Micah’s prophecy, my heart came to a screeching halt in chapter six as the small-town prophet dictated God’s words in verse 3:
“O my people, what have I done to you? How have I wearied you? Answer me!”
It seemed that God had reached such a state of desperation to grab the attention of a rebellious people that He stopped short of yanking them by the nap of the necks, grasping their faces to require their undivided attention, and was even willing to bear some of the blame for their disobedience, if it meant they would return to Him.
Had God failed? Absolutely not. In fact, He had provided a multitude of return ramps for Israel and Judah. He had redeemed them from Egypt, had sustained them in the midst of wicked rulers. And yet Micah’s warning was required as God looked down and witnessed gruesome indiscretions, the likes of which included sins of injustice, oppression of the poor, corrupt rulers, ungodly priests, greed, immorality, and idolatry. [Sound familiar?]
In what feels like a last-ditch effort, Micah lays out a three-point sermon that echoes of Moses’s similar sermon in Deuteronomy 10:12-13, breaking down the minimal requirements that God had set for His people:
- Live justly. Be fair and honest in your dealings with others.
- Practice kindness and compassion, especially with those in need.
- Walk humbly, submitted to God’s will for your life each day, recognizing He is your Source.
It doesn’t seem to be that complicated, does it? And yet, for so many of us humans, on a routine basis one of these three requirements can trip us up, still to this day. In his commentary of verse 8, Micah 6, in the Fire Bible, Bible scholar Donald Stamps wrote, “Public worship is only a small part of our total commitment to Christ. A genuine love for the Lord must come to expression in an abiding concern for people in need.”
What elements of this God-pleasing To-Do list are tripping you up these days? Make no mistake, God clearly dictated these simple principles as He knew what we often overlook: through abiding by them each day, we can avoid further disobedience such as immorality, idolatry, greed, and so on. Remaining steadfast in our pursuit of pleasing Him can and should easily deter us from pleasing ourselves. And His rich reward for such faithful obedience? No earthly pleasure can compare.
Take a few moments even now and ask the Holy Spirit, “How am I falling short of these three commandments You’ve provided?” Return to His plan. Humbly repent for the areas in which you’ve fallen short and then submit once again to the Spirit’s guidance in correcting your ways each day. Listen for His voice in your decisions. Lean into His presence when you find time alone. Devour God’s Word as though your life depended on it, because it does.
Oh, Lord, guide my heart as I seek to please You, and You alone. May each step I take throughout each day be founded and grounded upon the simple principles of the covenant You’ve so graciously provided to me. I am returning to Your ways, not my own. I am indebted to You, oh God. I’m forever Yours.
In Christ’s name, I pray–Amen.
Yours for Souls,
Bridgette Tomlin
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Great advice especially today for all generations !!
Thank you for sharing!
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