Return to Me

It seemed that God had reached such a state of desperation to grab the attention of a rebellious people that He stopped short of yanking them by the nap of the necks, grasping their faces to require their undivided attention, and was even willing to bear some of the blame for their disobedience, if it meant they would return to Him.

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Empty Promises

What do you do when you know that God told you to do something or that He was going to do something…but it takes days, weeks, months, years, or, gulp, even decades to see it come to fruition?

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A Call to the ‘Found’

When the Truth of God’s Word is preached or taught to bring light to the darkness of people’s lives, it’s labeled ‘judgmental’. Phrases like “don’t judge me” and Scriptures taken out of context begin flying around. But it is unrighteous living done under the auspices of church-attending, God-worshiping, Bible-believing people that detours the lost trying to find their way.

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