Firm Foundation
As we enter Summer 2024, Bridgette & I continue to marvel at the faithfulness of God in providing open doors for us to preach & sing the Gospel, as well as providing the resources for us to continue in full-time evangelism, now for over 26 years! You, dear ministry partner, play a crucial part in that reality. We are truly humbled & say ‘thank you’ for your faithful support in prayer & finances.
How can we overcome?
In the natural it feels as though the voices promoting immoral lifestyles, building corrupt government, aborting the unborn, & oppressing the Church are growing louder. How can we overcome? How can we build His Kingdom in the midst of a steady moral decline?
First, be reminded that Christ is the Cornerstone, the firm foundation upon which we must be planted. His Word is secure & has guaranteed us a sure victory if we remain steadfast. Second, determine to maintain personal integrity & live a holy life–from the inside out. Give the Holy Spirit full permission to hold you accountable for your daily lifestyle choices.
Third, win souls & disciple them to build His Kingdom! Sow seed into your workplace, your family, your community. And be prepared to harvest in due season. Finally, pray for revival–in your personal life, your home, your church, & our nation. A supernatural move of God dominates all other forces.
Yours for Souls,
Chresten & Bridgette Tomlin
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