Reaching the Rez
Thank you, ministry partner, for your faithful investment in souls. Your intercessory prayer is highly appreciated as my ministry team and I journey to the Black Hills of South Dakota, home to the Lakota-Sioux tribe on the Pine Ridge Reservation.
The statistics tell the story of this lost people:
- 88% Alcoholism
- 91% Unemployment
- Suicide Rate is 150% higher than national average
- 1 out of 3 children, ages 10-18, will attempt suicide
Please target these areas in your prayer:
- Ask God to empower each team member with authority over demonic power.
- Bind the enemy in prayer by breaking down the satanic stronghold of a “victim mentality” by the Holy Spirit.
- Pray for favor with the Lakota people.
- Ask God to raise up a Spirit-filled Lakota native to lead & disciple the converts to Christianity.
- Intercede for acts of the supernatural: miracles, signs, and wonders.
“And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free!”–John 8:32
The team departs this Saturday, June 1, and will be engaged in active street ministry Monday, June 3, through Thursday, June 6. Thank you again for your prayerful support.
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