Profession & Possession
In the book of Mark 11, verses 12 through 14, Jesus does something very interesting. The Bible says that Jesus saw a fig tree, afar off, having leaves, and he approached the tree, hoping to find figs thereon. When He arrived at the tree, however, He only saw leaves–no fruit. Jesus then proceeded to curse the tree; not only temporarily, but forever. The tree would no longer bear fruit.
I began studying the fig tree and found something very interesting. There are approximately 100,000 species of trees in the world. The fig tree is the only one whose sap process works in reverse. All other trees bear leaves first, then bear fruit. The fig tree produces fruit first and leaves second. Jesus was teaching His disciples, both then and now, that this tree was making a profession of bearing figs, but had no possession of figs. If it had leaves, it was supposed to have fruit.
Jesus was telling his disciples that profession alone is not sufficient. We live in an hour in our culture–yes, church culture, as well–where many professions are being made of spirituality, power, & ownership of the Christian life. The reality is few seem to possess the fruit of actually being a Christian. A true Christian has experienced character transformation in his or her life. They no longer live an ungodly life. They are no longer ruled by sin or flesh. They possess Christ.
We need a revival of a real possession of Christ and His power.
Jesus pointed out one other important principle in this illustration. The text tells us the time of figs had not yet come. God’s Word is showing us that there is no specific season for bearing fruit in our lives. We are supposed to be bearing fruit constantly. If we are not bearing fruit continually, our growth is stunted and the evidence of the Spirit’s power diluted.
My prayer today for the Pentecostal Church is not only profession, but full possession of the awesome salvation afforded to us by the blood of Jesus. What fruit is in your profession that needs to be evaluated in your possession?
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