A New Normal

My heart twinged a bit as I realized they weren’t asking God to manifest in the fullness of His power. They were accepting what our culture had told them was now to be their new normal way of life.

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Grasshoppers vs Giants

You can have the knowledge that God has given you victory in an area of your life. But until you BELIEVE it and ENFORCE it, that victory is not complete. God’s part is complete, but yours is not.

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Buffet Bodies and New Year’s Resolutions

If you are a believer on the Lord Jesus Christ, there are some spiritual disciplines that must be in place. And there are means by which you can spiritually “buffet your body” in order to grow deeper in your walk with God.

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The Dominion of Light

Perhaps you find yourself today in a less than idyllic holiday season, one that is wrought with pain, struggle, and what feels or seems like outer darkness. The songs are sung all about you of Hope and Joy, fun-filled times with family, and “home for the holidays”. But you face darkness.

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Roots: Bitter or Sweet? Part 2

I posed the question last week: So how do we “tidy up” and rid ourselves (1 Peter 2:1) of the bitterness and unforgiveness that can rot our spirits and wreak havoc on those about us? Let’s continue our “dig” into the roots of the heart as we look back into the verse I’ve cited above from Hebrews 12.

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Roots: Bitter or Sweet?

All of us from time to time can go along in life, thinking we are free and clear of such evil roots, and then along comes a situation that will bring something quite nasty to the surface…seemingly out of nowhere! And our first reaction is to dismiss it and say “I didn’t really mean that” or “I don’t really feel that way”.

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