Reflecting on 2024
Dear Ministry Partner–
We pray this letter finds you well, rejoicing in what God did in and through you in 2024. These are exciting times! Challenging? Perhaps. But our experience with the God Who Sees is that He doesn’t work in reverse. He is a forward-moving God and specializes in taking what the enemy meant for evil and turning it for good.
Bridgette and I are humbled by your partnership. God did so many incredible things in and through us this past year. We are seeing spiritual hunger taking root deep within the hearts of believers across this nation, especially among this current generation. We have observed that Millennials, Gen Z and Gen Alpha are hungry for the authentic preaching of the Gospel, something that is, unfortunately, rare in the times in which we live. My travels have been overwhelmingly successful and included revival series, worship conferences, and marriage conferences. God has shown Himself to still be a Savior of souls, healer of hearts and lives, and the baptizer in the Holy Ghost and with power!
God has shown Himself to still be a Savior of souls, healer of hearts and lives, and the baptizer in the Holy Ghost and with power!
We are excited to report that the door has reopened to the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, an outlet for ministry we once cherished for over a decade! Plans are in the works to return there at some point in 2025. Many of our revival meetings include a prayer and worship session through which believers are trained to pray and wait in God’s presence. Already, our ministry calendar includes opportunities for Bridgette and me to invest into the marriage and family units of our nation through marriage seminars. But above all, I truly believe that 2025 will be a year of moving “from the mist to the river”, transferring a perception of sustenance from the Lord to a place of abundance in His presence and through His Word.
Our ministry for ministry wives, Sanctuary, hosted a Let’s Retreat event in Crawford, TX last November, which proved to be the most effective to date. This February Sanctuary celebrates 10 years of ministry focus to whom Bridgette often refers to as “the most amazing people on the planet”! The ministry’s podcast, Let’s Talk with Sanctuary, will conclude its broadcasting with 100 episodes to its credit. The online communities are thriving, along with quarterly Let’s Connect events that happen across the country for ministry wives through in-person gatherings. Bridgette also now boasts of four Bible reading plans through the YouVersion Bible app, with 46,000+ subscriptions in 149 countries to date!
While we realize the very fabric of this world and the foundations of this nation are deteriorating, we also acknowledge that the Light always shines brightest amid utter darkness. The Rapture of the Church is at the door, and we must continue to declare the Gospel loud and clear! “Thank you” never seems to be adequate to acknowledge the investment of God’s people into Chresten Tomlin Ministries. Without you, we simply could not continue to grow and go out to fulfill our calling.
Yours for Souls,
Chresten & Bridgette Tomlin
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