New YouVersion Reading Plan
Bridgette Tomlin just received word that her first @youversion reading plan is now LIVE in your YouVersion Bible reading app! We are excited for you to check it out! You can find the direct link below. Or you can search “Chresten Tomlin” in your plans’ search bar as it is provided by Chresten Tomlin Ministries.
Sneak Peek:
“Don’t worry about anything.” Is that even possible? These days a fresh reason for worry and fear arrives consistently as the morning newspaper each day. Paul reminded believers in Philippi and himself that worrying is unproductive and isolating. Throughout his letter to the Philippians, we will discover current solutions to some age-old problems: anxiety, worry, and fear.
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anxiety, anxiousfornothing, apostlepaul, beanxiousfornothing, bibleapp, biblereadingplan, bridgettetomlin, chrestentomlin, chrestentomlinministries, devotion, devotional, devotionalplan, dontworry, dontworryaboutanything, fear, paultheapostle, peace, Philippians, philippians4, readingplan, worry, youversion