Busting the Marital Myths
Chresten & Bridgette Tomlin were honored to partner this past Friday evening with Pastors Randy and Vickie Lynn (Praise Center Ministries | Sapulpa, OK) for the church’s annual Valentines event. The couple was thrilled to speak on one of their favorite topics: busting the marital myths! It is a common mistake for husbands and wives to jump to conclusions about the status of their marriages because of the temptation to buy into marital myths. These are misguiding assumptions that we often fall prey to, myths that tell us that if our marriage has this issue or that trait, it is headed for failure. Through this ministry focus, which can be customized to fit your event’s schedule, Chresten & Bridgette bust up a few of these marital myths by shedding some light on what they are and why they aren’t true.
If you’re looking to schedule a marriage-focused event at your local church, consider the Tomlins when planning your sessions. Got questions? Complete the contact form below.
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