Reaching the Rez | Rosebud Reservation
“And you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
Beginning Monday, July 23, I will make my way to the Rosebud Reservation in Mission, South Dakota. This is a sister reservation to the Pine Ridge Reservation, where we have been working diligently and have invested many years. We are very excited to be working with missionaries Johnnie and Heidi Wade, as well as a team from Church on the Rock Outreach Center (Lee’s Summit, MO). This reservation is a very large land area and is plagued with the same bondage and strongholds as the Pine Ridge inhabitants. Alcoholism, drug addiction, gang violence, and abject poverty dominate this people group.
There has been a great amount of effectiveness with the children of the Rosebud Reservation, which indicates hope for their future. However, reaching the parents and adults continues to be an extremely difficult task. Only the deep work of the Holy Spirit can penetrate generations of defeat and failure.
Second Corinthians, chapter four, tells us that, when there is a lack of receptivity to the Gospel, it is because the Gospel is being hidden from those who do not believe. It goes on to tell us that the Commander of the Light is shining the Light. People who are lost and have been lost for long periods of time are so steeped in perpetual darkness that their eyes cannot see, their ears cannot hear, and their minds cannot perceive the simple message of the Gospel. They may hear it but it’s not penetrating their hearts.
They may hear it but it’s not penetrating their hearts.
Paul tells us in that passage that it takes the Holy Spirit to shake these people into a place where their eyes are opened, their ears are unstopped. and their minds can perceive the message being declared.
We are asking you to partner with us in prayer for the entirety of our outreach this week. Monday, July 23, through Friday, July 27, we will be ministering throughout each day and in spiritual preparation for the evening crusade-style services. We are believing for these parents to not only bring their children, but for them to stay for the evening services. Pray and agree with us for their to be a compelling magnetism through the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, drawing men and women to Christ. We know that no one can come to the Father except the Spirit draw them. May the Commander of Light–which is the Holy Spirit–shine the Light of Truth into the hearts of every man, woman, boy, and girl that they may see the Truth. The Truth shall set them free.
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Because time is short,
Chresten Tomlin
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