Reaching the Rez Update
Greetings from Pine Ridge, South Dakota! As you may know, I traveled to the Lakota-Sioux Reservation this Tuesday. For the past few days I have been working toward finding a permanent ministry and discipleship center there to further advance the evangelistic work we have done for nine years throughout the various communities. Many of you have been praying about this endeavor and I want to give you a brief update.
The trip has gone well and has been one of the smoothest, most efficient journeys I’ve taken to “The Rez”. The enemy most certainly hates this work and always throws multiple hurdles my way! But I have sensed the hand of God throughout this week and know that our prayer partners have been doing the work on their knees.
While there have definitely been hurdles in the quest to get to the “right” person who can give clear, truthful answers, the Lord has led me through to the proper channels. It is difficult to describe what it’s like to navigate through the makeup of this culture. It’s unlike the rest of our nation in its government and streamlined organization. But we are moving forward and are surveying the available options; what is best for us and the ministry God desires to establish there.
I am headed back to the Reservation today before I return home this evening to meet further with new contacts I’ve received, get more details, take a few more pictures, and visit some of our converts from past ministry. Your continued prayer and financial support of this effort means more than I can express. God is doing great things!
Faith to Fulfillment,
Chresten Tomlin
To financially partner with this ministry to Reach the Rez, click here.
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