Getting Away with God
“Get away with God”. This phrase represents a lost art form in today’s culture, doesn’t it? We are truly so very busy, even busy in the work of the Kingdom. Over the past month I have literally been at home less than 7 days! I confess that even while studying the Word, preaching & singing in multiple services, praying with hundreds of people, and connecting with both saints & sinners across the country, it can be complicated to get away with God! It must be a deliberate effort on my part to pull away from the work and set aside time just for the Holy Spirit to pour into me, hear my heart, and intercede for the pressing matters I am closely connected to.
Don’t get me wrong: when Paul the apostle instructs us to pray without ceasing in 1 Thessalonians 5, I take that literally! I find myself praying, both in English and in my prayer language, continually throughout my day. I believe He is present with me and has His ear attentive to the thoughts and prayers I pray at all times. But there is a work that He can do exponentially when I get away with Him–when I step away from the intensity of my daily schedule and seclude myself in His presence. Such benefits outweigh all that I could do on my own, even with His Word’s instruction vibrantly abiding in my heart.
Isn’t that how it is in just about any relationship of value in your life? My wife and I communicate regularly throughout the day and work closely in our ministry. But there is something so unique that binds us more intensely together when we are able to get away together, even if only for a few hours for a dinner date. We are able to concentrate only on one another. We connect with clarity.
Find a space in your day today to get away with your Father. You may have to get creative! But how richly He will supply all your soul needs and desires in that sacred time with Him.
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