An Increase of Souls
We just returned from our Reaching the Rez outreach to the Lakota-Sioux Native Americans in Pine Ridge, South Dakota. I don’t have a glossy photograph to share of thousands gathered in a local arena with hundreds flooding the altars in response to the dynamic message about freedom in Christ. But if you could step just once onto the dusty streets of the Rez with me you would quickly realize this one thing: one soul accepting the Gospel in territory Satan claims for his own is equal to one thousand.
This RTR ’14 team of 26 walked in boldness with the determination to do nothing but bring Light to the darkness. Team members, aged 14 to 71, worked tirelessly to produce kids crusades & ministry to adults in three difference communities, as well as the Pine Ridge Correctional Center.
You may have heard us speak of Evergreen, SD. The level of demonic influence and satanic stronghold is among the highest I have experienced anywhere in the world. As we ministered, warnings were sent out by local gang members with threats on those who would attend. This is an example of the many hurdles on the Rez. The alternative? We split into teams and took the Gospel door-to-door! Many powerful conversions were the result!
Thank you, partners, for sending us to preach the Gospel. Your prayers and gifts of love made this venture a reality. God supplied. God protected. God gave the increase. We are so very grateful for your continued partnership. Please pray with us that God will bring us more monthly partners so that we can increase our ministry to this lost people group. A full -time, “on the ground” laborer is also needed as an extension of our ministry there to disciple the converts. God can revolutionize this generation of Lakota-Sioux but His people will be His hands and feet.
Be blessed!
Below: Prepping for ministry in Manderson, SD
Bottom: The kids crusades are a great draw in each community & allow more “one-on-one” time with the adults with limited distractions.
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Have a burden for Pine Ridge Lakota Sioux how can I help your ministry. 530.828.0963 Chaplain Brent, 1441 Main St. Sturgis SD 57785