With a grateful heart
I am sitting in the Denver International Airport en route to the Pine Ridge Reservation of South Dakota. As I sit here I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the honor of carrying the hope of the Gospel to those who need it so desperately. I want to say “thank you” again to:
1) My Jesus Who called me into this great harvest and has entrusted me to do His work, giving me the full backing of Heaven’s power and authority to enforce victory. I simply cannot lose.
2) My precious family who allow me to go and fulfill this call. My wife and daughters give me special grace to walk out this work. They are patient and extremely long suffering. I know many times they are pressed as far as they can go, yet stand with me 100%.
3) All the churches & monthly partners who stand with this ministry. Through your giving and prayer we are able to fulfill the work of His Kingdom. In the book of Philippians the Apostle Paul pays special tribute & gratitude to the church at Philippi for their sacrificial giving to support him so generously in the midst of financial hardship. I am fully aware that many of the incredible people who stand with us are doing so at great sacrifice. Words cannot express our thankfulness. We are truly humbled by it. May the Lord return it to you 100-fold.
I will be on the Reservation November 12-14, 2013, teaching, training, and pouring into promising leaders. I am counting on your prayers. A Church will be wrought!
Yours for Souls,
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