Evangelizing the Rez
Chresten headed out Sunday afternoon for a 15-hour journey with a team of 17 from members of New Life Assembly in Owasso, OK and New Life Assembly in Broken Arrow, OK. Destination: the Lakota-Sioux Indian Reservation of South Dakota. While this is a strange land, Chresten is no stranger to it. He’s been blessed with the privilege of ministering to this lost people for the past four years. Each year he and the crusade team that accompanies him garner increased trust with this bruised people–a people that have experienced much hurt and have had so much taken from them throughout the many generations past. With 91% unemployment & 88% alcoholism statistics looming over this native people, the Lakota-Sioux children are raised to believe there is no hope for them. They, too, are expected to become alcoholics at an early age. They, too, are told they will never escape the blanket of oppression that weighs heavy upon their land. One in three children, ages 10-18, attempt suicide.
Enter hope. Hope and freedom is what this team of Oklahomans will offer to these precious people. Please pray for Chresten and team as they bombard the enemy’s territory with the Gospel of Truth that will set them free. Chresten has been granted permission to minister in local prisons & jails, once again, and expects to reach each prisoner before the close of the day Tuesday. With street evangelism & kids outreach in area communities such as Manderson, Wounded Knee, Kyle, and Porcupine throughout the week, the team will reach out to the communities, inviting them to the final crusade on Thursday night at a local school. There they will experience a blowout Kidz Crusade, followed by an adult rally, coat & blanket giveaway, and a huge spaghetti feast for all in attendance.
Your prayers are crucial to this evangelism team’s success, safety, and favor. Updates can be expected throughout the week! Thank you for your partnership!
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