Posts Tagged ‘bridgettetomlin’
Sanctuary Celebrates 10 Years!
“With almost three decades of ministry experience myself, I have discovered that ministry wives can be considered some of the loneliest people, despite being perpetually surrounded by people.”
→ Read MoreChresten Tomlin, Featured Podguest
As we launch into a brand-new year, we see that there are some challenges before the Church. So, what does it take to sustain until the end?
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“Thank you” never seems to be adequate to acknowledge the investment of God’s people into Chresten Tomlin Ministries. Without you, we simply could not continue to grow and go out to fulfill our calling.
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The Greatest News of all time was spread by people few wanted to be near.
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Through this BRAND NEW YouVersion Bible reading plan, join author Bridgette Tomlin as she breaks down what Scripture actually defines as the sin of discontent.
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Will you partner with us in prayer, that each of the Let’s Retreat guests will truly encounter the sanctuary, the manifest presence of God?
→ Read MoreGiving Up the Mist
We must set aside the mist of God’s presence, and pursue the flowing river.
→ Read MoreReturn to Me
It seemed that God had reached such a state of desperation to grab the attention of a rebellious people that He stopped short of yanking them by the nap of the necks, grasping their faces to require their undivided attention, and was even willing to bear some of the blame for their disobedience, if it meant they would return to Him.
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In the natural it feels as though the voices promoting immoral lifestyles, building corrupt government, aborting the unborn, & oppressing the Church are growing louder. How can we overcome? How can we build His Kingdom in the midst of a steady moral decline?
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Such a forecast is anything but encouraging,…unless a generation rises up with courage and passes it on to the next generation, arming them for the battle just ahead.
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