Chresten Tomlin, Featured Podguest
Podcast host Bridgette Tomlin welcomed her husband Chresten Tomlin to Let’s Talk with Sanctuary for Episode 78! In the previous episode, Episode 77, LTS featured the incomparable Pam King and dug into her insights about the combo of marriage and ministry. In Episode 78, Chresten & Bridgette approached the same topic but from a slightly different angle. The Tomlins recently celebrated their 26th anniversary of marriage and ministry. In this episode they share a little bit of their own love story and journey, as well as some of the lessons they either learned early on in their marriage and ministry journey or wish they would have learned earlier! You’ll enjoy their candor, up-front honesty, and recognize that somebody out there may have walked some of the same roads on which you find yourself today.
In this episode they share a little bit of their own love story and journey…
While the episode’s title includes “ministry”, these marriage principles are applicable to just about any married couple, or a couple considering or preparing for marriage. Find #letstalksanctuary on your preferred podcast streaming platform, or stream directly at Sanctuary’s site by clicking here.
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