A Message from Bridgette Tomlin
Let’s Talk with Sanctuary host Bridgette Tomlin steps away from the show’s typical fare of an interview alongside a featured guest to deliver a timely message to women in ministry of all generations. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and sip slowly as you take in the mentorship Bridgette is bringing to the listener, whether you’re in your 20s and just getting started in vocational ministry, or if you’re proudly waving the banner of Middle Age + More, balancing the roles of active duty and intentional mentor to the generations coming up behind you. She will cover ground of life and growth before social media, the exciting opportunities for today’s generation + the hurdles they’ll face, and three big things she thinks every woman in ministry should learn and teach to someone else.
Find Let’s Talk with Sanctuary, Episode 62, on your preferred podcast listening platform or stream directly at Sanctuary’s site, www.sanctuaryministrywives.com/letstalk
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