Come. To. Me.
If you’re a parent, a teacher, a boss, or even a friend, you’ve undoubtedly experienced it. You have given instructions on how to accomplish a certain task but watch from a distance to observe: will he complete the task? You watch him repeatedly make failed attempts, only to become lathered with anxiety and frustration. You could step in, but he keeps assuring you “I’ve got this!” On the verge of a total breakdown, you gently remind, “I’m here to help. Just come and ask for it.” The frustration builds to a boiling point, where anger is the next stop, and then he finally reaches a place of surrender.
Humility. Admission to the fact: I need backup.
Do you ever wonder how the Heavenly Father feels as He watches patiently from the portals of Heaven? He’s given an assignment and instructions. He has made Himself available to lend support, provide strength, extend grace, and issue peace at the mention of His Son’s name. But He watches us repeatedly struggle, frothing with anxiety, and grappling with insecurities and frustration. “Come to Me,” He gently reminds. “I’m here to help. Just come and ask for it.”
What is it that you’re carrying? Be reminded today of the simple, well-known, but often neglected offer from Jesus Christ Himself in Matthew 11. “Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (Mt 11:28 NLT). There’s supernatural power at our disposal if we will take Him up on the offer. What are you waiting for?
Resting in His care,
Bridgette Tomlin
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