Reaching the Rez 2016
About ten years ago I was preaching a revival meeting at a church in Chadron, Nebraska. A couple approached me following a weeknight service and simply stated, “We’ve been praying for God to send us an evangelist to help us reach the Lakota-Sioux Native Americans near here on the Pine Ridge Reservation. We believe you are the man we’ve been praying for.”
These precious local farmers had been plowing the difficult soil of the hearts of men, women, and children in Pine Ridge, South Dakota.
Chresten Tomlin Ministries has been honored to return often each year since that day, taking at least one evangelism team there annually, and have slowly garnered a measure of trust from the various communities on the Pine Ridge Reservation. On July 16, Bridgette and I will take a team comprised of men, women, and teens to this amazingly desperate land for four days of intense evangelistic efforts. Meals are cooked & served, humanitarian aid is offered, but the greatest Gift of all we are privileged and responsible for giving this people group is the offer of a lifetime: Hope in Jesus Christ.
This week we are asking for your help: we need your prayer support. Invading this dark land with the Light of Truth stirs the enemy’s defenses like no other effort we are a part of. You are in our hearts as we are daily filled with gratitude for the privilege of serving the Lord because of such strong partnership from the people of God across this nation.
Paul wrote to the Church at Corinth in 2 Corinthians 4:6 about the veiling of the Gospel to those who have yet to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. He said, “For it is God Who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” It is the responsibility of the believer to pray for the eyes of the lost to be opened to Truth because “if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing.” (2 Cor 4:4) Therefore, let us seek God’s face, requiring Him to command light to shine out of darkness.
“But how do we pray for this endeavor?”
- Ask God to empower me, Bridgette, and our ministry partners as we endeavor to disciple and train Lakota leaders;
- Bind the enemy in prayer by breaking down the satanic stronghold of a ‘victim mentality’ by the Holy Spirit;
- Pray for continued favor with the Lakota people;
- Ask God to raise up more Spirit-filled Lakota natives to lead and disciple the converts to Christianity;
- Plead the blood of Jesus over ever element of this upcoming trip–from travel protection, prevention of sickness or injuries, favor, team unity, and anointing upon each individual;
- Intercede for acts of the supernatural: miracles, signs, and wonders!
What are we up against? The statistics tell the story of this lost people.
- 88% Alcoholism
- 91% Unemployment
- Suicide rate is 150% higher than the national average
- 1 out of 3 children, ages 10-18, will attempt suicide
We are asking you to stand with us in prayer and intercession, believing God for a harvest of souls and a breakthrough in the lives of these precious people.
“And you shall know the Truth,
and the Truth shall make you free.”
John 8:32
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