The Germaphobe Mentality
In these last days pastors and ministries in general are desperate for people to “step up” and be willing to say “yes” to the unpopular, & many times unseen, parts of ministry. As you view the ministry of Jesus, over and over again He was touching the untouchable, loving the unlovable, and willing to submit Himself to serve the rejected individuals of humanity. In this generation we must guard ourselves against the unwillingness to stretch our hand to hurting people–regardless of their economic status or station of life. We must see people as souls.
Our culture over the past few years has been dominated by a “germaphobe” mentality. But if we are going to reach people we must allow the compassion of Jesus to supersede our preferences and petty excuses. I am frequently sitting with pastors whose hearts are bleeding, bodies are weary, and ambitions are waning in the wake of an overall lack of willingness to serve by their church bodies. The faithful volunteers in our churches who have ministered are becoming aged. There must be willing people to say “no” to their flesh and say “yes” to truly serving Christ.
We are in the business of saying “yes” to so many obligations in this busy life, but few of those “yeses” are to the labor of the Kingdom. We must have the opportunity in our lives to serve and so fulfill the Law of Christ. Jesus said, “The servant is the greatest of all.” I challenge you today to ask God to reveal to you what must be vacated in your life’s work to make room for His work. I will be doing the same.
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Yes! I Agree! We keep the Purell handy,
Plead the blood and keep on Touching!!!!
That is so true. I hope more people read this piece that you have written.
So very true! Time to put our hands to the plow!!