Community. Challenge. Change.
Romans 10:14-15: “How then shall they call upon Him in Whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of Whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they be sent? As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things.”
A few weeks ago I received an invitation to preach a community revival for the city of Hartshorne, Oklahoma. While we are a very busy evangelistic ministry, this particular week remained open. Now we know it remained open for a reason.
The city of Hartshorne is a community that has had major struggles. Like many communities of its size and location, it has been ravaged by methamphetimines, sexual depravity, poverty, and hopelessness. Churches from the community came together out of hunger for God–a hunger that God would move in their city.
They put aside their doctrinal differences and varying methodology to focus on the issue of greater importance: salvation through Jesus Christ for a lost people. There was a feeling of expectation and a realization that “we have gone as far as we can go in our own power”. The services built–both in attendance and in expectation–as we began Friday evening and concluded Sunday evening. The entire weekend was building toward Sunday night, as we would believe God for miracles and lay hands on the sick.
That Sunday night, many young people were saved and people were healed of various ailments and issues. One older lady came to the altar for prayer, using a walker, and after prayer, she walked away without the walker! While from different backgrounds–some having never experienced anything like this before–no one left the building. The crowd was “standing room only”! This is the true work of the evangelist.
How honored I was to have been entrusted to do this work by pastors who had no experience with my ministry and many were unfamiliar with Pentecostal-style preaching and altar ministry. The pastors were encouraged, strengthened, and empowered to take their ministries even higher, and to believe God for greater things! There was a new fire lit within each of them.
The apostle Paul said the lost cannot hear without a preacher. And the preacher cannot go unless he is sent. There were several individuals and ministries who partnered with us, as well as our monthly partners, to make this happen. Because of you, Jesus was glorified, souls were saved, people were healed, and the testimony of Jesus continues on!
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