The Riyadh Miracle
I have just returned from another incredible time of ministry in Saudi Arabia. I am not at liberty to disclose all information here via the website, but what God is doing through Grace Outreach Church is nothing short of a miracle. The Church has literally exploded! This revival meeting was a celebration of four years of God’s grace. What began with just a handful of believers has now exponentially jumped to hundreds! There were between 800 and 1000 in attendance to each service, as they packed out their rented facility. The atmosphere was charged with faith and power as God’s Spirit spoke very plainly that the Church will go forward with anointing, favor, and supernatural financial provision. It is so humbling to be a part of such a powerful Last Days’ work. The underground Church is growing by leaps and bounds and God is adding to the Church daily.
Our partners are so appreciated and will receive a personal update from our ministry within the next few weeks. This update will include personal experiences and more explicit details we are unable to publish here. Thank you for your continued prayers for our ministry, as well as that of Grace Outreach Church.
The Church of the Lord Jesus will prevail against every opposing force of darkness. You will prevail against every opposing force of darkness! Understand, saint of God, Satan has turned up the heat against the believer in an onslaught of oppression, depression, and hopelessness. We must live prepared with the understanding that we are in a battle against powers of darkness & spiritual wickedness in high places. We are victorious through the armor of God and the power of the Spirit! Do not be lulled into fighting this battle in the physical with carnal weapons. This is a spiritual battle. Our weapons are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). Live in the Spirit. Walk in the Spirit. And pray always in the Holy Spirit over your finances, your children, your home, your spouse, your job, your cars,….everything.
We win!
(above right, Believers gathered nightly for the 4th Anniversary Celebration)
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