Oh, that You would enlarge our territory…
2011 was a very exciting time for Chresten Tomlin Ministries. In addition to crusades on the Lakota-Sioux Reservation last August and revival meetings in Saudi Arabia in both the spring & fall of 2011, I ministered in October 2011 in London, England. I was honored to preach the opening night for an international conference—The Unusual God Conference. Its host, Apostle Paul Fadeyi, is the overseer of the Grace Outreach Church family, with two locations inRiyadh,Saudi Arabia; Brussels,Belgium; and three locations inLondon.
Bridgette and I determined throughout 2011 to seek God for one purpose: that He might enlarge our territory. We believe that in these last days there must be a strong voice, preaching the true Gospel of Jesus Christ with nothing less than total consecration. And although this comes at a high price, we are trusting God to lead us exactly where He wants us & He will provide.
This does not mean we want to leave the former territory, but simply expand its borders. There are places where the Gospel is desperately needed but no one is willing to go—both in the United States, rural Midwest, and around the world. Evangelism is a rare commodity in today’s times. We simply desire to “feed the hungry”.
The Lord is bringing us new open doors, including a possible crusade in August 2012 inLagos, Nigeria. As I’ve stated before, from a cowboy church in rural Oklahoma to the deserts of Saudi Arabia, the Gospel will set the captive free! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only solution for lost humanity. Your partnership in evangelism gets the Hope of Heaven to the world.
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