Anxiety Busters

Anxiety. It’s rampant in our culture today and the lack of peace has this world turning on its ear, many times completely out of control. It is because of this chaos that reels about us that I feel confident in saying this: the peace of God ruling and reigning in your life as a believer on the Lord Jesus Christ may be the single most important ally you have in a quest to reach lost people about you.

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The Believer’s ID

As a people watcher I often consider this thought: what are people thinking when they observe me? The perfectionist in me can take this a bit too far and do just about everything with someone else’s opinion looming in my head. But ultimately this should challenge us, right? That for every summary I make of someone else based on my observation of the block of behavior I witness in a few moments’ time, someone else is doing the same for me.

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