Ministry Blog


And then the end will come…

Matthew 24:14 says that “the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.” (NLT)  This week a portion of that prophecy is coming to pass as Chresten heads into the once closed nation of Saudi Arabia to participate in…


The Simple Gospel Message

On a Tuesday night in a small Oklahoma oil field town I preached a simple, straight-forward message on the plan of salvation.  I began in Genesis, describing the fall of man and God’s intervention with a plan to save him.  At the altar call a 14-year-old girl who had been rejected all of her life,…


Returning to Riyadh

I have been invited to return to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (KSA) in April 2011. Grace Outreach Church has been given permission to host a public gathering! Please make this meeting a top priority in your prayers. We need you to begin now, doing spiritual warfare & tearing down principalities in high places.


Amazing Results

The results we experienced in Saudi Arabia were outstanding as we saw over 50 Filipino pastors baptized in the Holy Ghost as well as the Grace Outreach believers strengthened & encouraged. Each service I preached to a packed house of hungry believers & lost souls looking to find hope. People were saved, delivered from oppression…


Thank You For Your Support

Thank you for your prayerful support on my most recent endeavor to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (KSA). I was truly priviledged to minister alongside the ministry team of Grace Outreach Church ( From the retaining of a visa to the powerful services throughout the week, God showed up strong and provided supernaturally in every way.