Results from the Rez
First of all, a huge “thank you” to all of those who prayed and interceded for me this past week. You will never know what you accomplished through your prayers. As I mentioned in my last blog entry, we dealt with heavy demonic attacks, attempting to make us ineffective. But the Blood prevails!
A revival has begun among a group of men in the Lakota Jail who are truly seeking Jesus and desiring real transformation in their lives. In the past few months as we have been ministering to them, every visit these new believers are progressing and drawing closer to Jesus. Our services last week in the jail were very powerful! The Lord showed up! God is revealing Himself to these men by His precious Holy Spirit. For example, one particular inmate had been given a dream just over two weeks ago about me, whom he had never met, coming to the jail. In that dream I was wearing an OU sweatshirt and had come to tell the prisoners about Jesus. When I walked into the room of inmates wearing–you guessed it–an OU sweatshirt, this guy was blown away! He was gloriously saved in the service that day.
In addition, our training and encouragement with believers was precious as well. I’m growing more confident with each visit about the future concerning a more permanent body of believers developing there. Also, I would like to ask all of you to be praying with us in regards to the potential building that has been made available to us. The Lord is working behind the scenes on our behalf and some things could be set into motion for us to take ownership of a facility & property to go with it! We need God’s direction, favor, and finances. But we feel very strongly that God is in this.
Ironically enough, I was given the privilege of ministering to a local non-Spirit-filled church who are hungry for more of God. I believe that the Lord is setting things in motion for a true body of believers to be about His business in that dark land. Stay connected here as God is shaking things up for a total revolution in the Manderson, Evergreen, and Wounded Knee communities!
Yours for Souls,
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