Giving Up the Mist
Dear Ministry Partner,
You know all too well the turmoil our nation is in: the countless victims of natural disasters, those crushed by loss, the corruption of our government & global leaders. And yet in the midst of it all, the King of kings stands strong, free from worry as He sees the end from the beginning. He is not wringing His hands in fear, but assuring His people to stand firm on the foundation of our faith–Jesus Christ the Righteous!
Throughout this year the Lord has been burning a message in my heart concerning the “11th Hour Revival”. In Matthew 20 Jesus shared a parable about a man who hired laborers to harvest his crop. What’s notable about the parable was how the landowner paid the same wages to the laborers hired at the close of the day as to those he hired at the break of day. This reminds us that, despite our laboring in the final days before Christ’s return, we will yet reap the same reward as those we’ve heard of throughout Scripture!
We must set aside the mist of God’s presence, and pursue the flowing river.
How will we reap the reward? We must determine to host the presence of God rather than emphasize hosting people, their preferences, & their craving for convenience. We must set aside the mist of God’s presence, which represents sustenance, and pursue the flowing river–the abundance–of His presence, His Word, & His favor.
Determine to give up the mist. Wade in the river. His abundance will see us safely to the other side! Thank you for your investment as we continue in God’s call to spread the Gospel & contend for revival.
Yours for Souls,
Chresten & Bridgette Tomlin
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