So be good for goodness’ sake!
Galatians 6:7-10: “7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. 9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. 10Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.”
Do you ever just get tired of being or doing good? This is definitely a time of the year where we emphasize being and doing good in multiple arenas from disciplining our children to giving to one another and charities. Even Christmas or holiday songs that don’t feature the birth of Jesus emphasize the concept of being good. “He sees you when you’re sleeping,…so be good for goodness’ sake!”
Some days it seems easier than others to be good, doesn’t it? This begins from the moment of our first breath. We don’t always feel like being or doing good! This is most definitely due to the carnal or sinful nature that invaded humanity several thousand years ago in the Garden. As parents we instruct our children that there is good and there is evil; there is right and there is wrong. We teach them how to tell the difference and do our best to show them why it is best to choose good and right.
Obviously, though, the apostle Paul felt the need to remind some grown-ups of this principle as well as he wrote to the believers of his day. And understandably so! We all struggle with this from time to time! Most days I choose to cast off my own selfishness to be what I need to be for those around me and most certainly to fulfill my Father’s desires. It’s that carnal nature that causes us to defect from the Word of God to fulfill our own lusts or selfish desires. Selfishness and carnality lead to all kinds of nasty behavior, like gossip, jealousy, envy, strife, hatred for one another (including our fellow followers of Christ!), and so on.
I spoke recently with a beloved sister in Christ who referenced how hard it seems most days to not only serve God but serve in full-time ministry. “It’s a fight every day! All work and no play!” She and I spoke how it will most likely be this way–an uphill battle–until His return. His return is so very soon; the prophecies are being fulfilled left and right all about us. As she and I finished our conversation and I went about my household chores I began to sing a little song my girls listened to for Scripture memorization, quoting the text I posted above: “Let us not grow weary by doing good! In due season we shall reap! Let us not grow weary by doing good! In due season we shall reap!” It goes on to sing “If we don’t lose heart, if we don’t lose heart, in due season we shall reap!”
A smile same across my face and a fresh joy filled my heart at the thought of the reward that I shall reap, both here on earth and most assuredly throughout eternity, if I simply don’t lose heart. This law of sowing and reaping doesn’t just bring about bad results for those who choose to do evil. It brings about tremendous results for the one who serves faithfully with a pure heart, as unto the Lord, choosing to do good and be good.
Are you feeling weary today? Sick of doing the right thing? Wouldn’t it feel easier to ‘take a break’ from all that hard work? Let me encourage you today: don’t lose heart! In due season YOU SHALL REAP! And from what I read in His Word, the payoff is out of this world!
Be blessed, do-gooders!
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